
Hi!  I'm Sejal.  This is my personal journal. Sometimes I’m good about writing. Sometimes I’m not.

Dancing into 2023

Dancing into 2023

Ruby’s had a LOT of performances lately. And it’s been amazing! I mean my career as a stage Mom is really taking off. lol. But seriously they seem to get bigger and bigger. Her last one was at a Clippers game. Like a real live NBA Basketball game. And I couldn’t help but be a little anxious for her, for me, for us both….I don’t know exactly. I mean was she going to get super nervous in this huge stadium and freak out - probably not but who knows? It turns out she didn’t. She did admit to being overwhelmed when she had her mini meltdown afterwards - but she didn’t mention nerves, or being scared, she said it was too loud and her costume was itchy. Noted baby girl. :) And then the next morning she woke up and said she wished she could do it all over again because it was the best day ever!

Sometimes I find myself wondering when she’ll start to get scared/nervous/anxious….all of the things? And what can I do to prevent that from happening…or at least be prepared in the right way? I mean is she just crazy confident or does she not really know there’s something to be scared of - maybe it’s a bit of both….I’m not really sure but something I think about often.

This semester she signed up for Beauty and the Beast and of course she set her eyes on Belle. And in her audition she told them she wanted to be Belle. Zero fear. Meanwhile when she told me, I automatically thought in my head - are you sure, that’s a lot of pressure, etc etc. I mean I went straight there, didn’t hesitate, but outwardly was like of course you should be Belle, you will be the perfect Belle! Isn’t that fascinating - I 100% know she can do it but my normal self doubt thinking process just took over (forget the fact that it wasn’t even me, it was just how my brain is conditioned to approach challenges I guess….um that’s a problem….).

Thank god she has no idea I even thought any of that because sure enough she got the part! And the look on her face when she told me - she was so happy she was squealing! And then it dawned on me - she hadn’t thought about any of the potentially scary parts or the rehearsing, hard work, etc. She had just thought about the fun part, which later she told me was to wear a beautiful dress and have the best lines. So she basically decided she wanted something and went for it without thinking about the “what ifs”. I mean I could be totally wrong and maybe she knew exactly what she was getting into and it just doesn’t scare her. I don’t know. Either way I still bow down. Love you my little inspiration.

My Beauty

My Beauty

Last Friday Night

Last Friday Night