
Hi!  I'm Sejal.  This is my personal journal. Sometimes I’m good about writing. Sometimes I’m not.

Last Friday Night

Last Friday Night

Last Friday Night….

We went to Vegas. 4 of Ruby’s Besties. And their Mamas. A Fancy Suite. A Glam Squad. Fancy limo Ride. And Katy Perry. What a night! Let’s just say I’m still recovering. Vegas is a lot in general but with 4 littles it’s ALOT ALOT.

We were there for a night but we managed to pack it in - pool time, glam time, pre-partying time, photo shoots, dancing on tables (and in limos), late night eating….and even some meltdown time. Ha! I’m not going to say it was all perfect but it’s definitely going to be an experience I’ll remember forever….hope Ruby will too even just a little bit!

The girls had been planning their outfits for weeks and were dressed to the nines. And I have to say us Moms looked pretty good ourselves. :) This was the first concert for all the girls and let’s just say they were excited, surprised, a little scared at times, overwhelmed, excited again and just full on in sensory overload. Us Moms - well we probably had more fun at the concert than they did. In fact, Ruby’s answer to “What was your favorite part of Vegas” was “The limo ride there Mom.” Noted baby girl. Noted.

Honestly I will never forget them getting into that limo and rushing straight for the champagne glasses, filling them with water and cheers’ing. The limo ride was pretty magical and so was the concert….although in a different way. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Ruby, I wondered if she would be scared. And to be honest she was at times - but looking back that’s the beauty of it - it was her “first” concert. How incredible that I was there for that and got to experience it a bit through her eyes. I worried that she wasn’t having as much fun (as I wanted her to have or that I thought she would have)….but that’s just it - she was experiencing it all the way she knew how. Which honestly is the perfect way. Love you my little firework. I can’t wait til the next concert.

Dancing into 2023

Dancing into 2023

Ruby is 6!

Ruby is 6!